Genomförda Webinarer / Conducted Webinars
December 2024
Impacts of innovations and policies on sustainability within road freight transport using a system thinking lens, Claudia Andruetto, PhD, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
A mixed-method approach, including surveys, interviews, and System Dynamics modelling is used to study the impacts of transport concepts and policies. The results indicate that collaboration is required to achieve sustainability. However, collaboration is complex since stakeholders often have conflicting goals. In this work, the simulation of different policy scenarios enables the consideration of the consequences of various policies from both short- and long-term perspectives. This knowledge benefits decision-makers in the private and public sectors in making decisions that shift road freight transport systems towards sustainability.
Bio: My name is Claudia and I am recent PhD graduate from KTH (Department of Machine Design). I have a background in transport and energy engineering and a passion for sustainability. I apply system thinking and system dynamics modelling to understand the impacts of technological advancement and different policies on complex socio-technical systems, to facilitate a transition towards a more sustainable future.
November 2024
Challenge and Best Practices in Applying Systems Engineering to MedTech, Chris Unger, Chief Systems Engineer for GE Healthcare (retired) and Principal at Practical SE
The Medical Technology (MedTech) industry is not a traditional consumer of systems engineering practices. The talk discusses some differences in the needs and value of systems engineering in market driven industries, and some best practices for creating business value through systems engineering excellence. “Soft” skills are often as critical as technical and process excellence in creating that value.
Bio: Chris Unger is the retired Chief Systems Engineer for GE Healthcare and the founder of Practical SE, LLC. He is also the co-leader of the INCOSE Healthcare WG, the co-founder of the “Systems Engineering in Healthcare” conference, and a certified ESEP. Chris has worked as a systems engineer in the defense and medical fields for 40 years.
February 2024
AI4SE and SE4AI, the rapid emergence of machine learning in systems engineering, Tom McDermott, CTO SERC
In 2020 through 2023 the SERC hosted four SE4AI/AI4SE workshops with the U.S. Army that have further informed research and application at the intersection of AI and SE. This presentation will discuss the latest updated version of the roadmap resulting from engagement across those four workshops. In this discussion we will also provide examples of AI4SE applications and SE4AI challenges collected from those workshops.
Bio: Tom McDermott is the Chief Technology Officer of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) and a faculty member in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ.
January 2024
ISO 15288 - the answer to Life, Universe and Everything? (in Swedish), Tom Strandberg, CAG Syntell
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 Systems and Software Engineering är standarden som sedan 2002 gett oss en verktygslådan att ta greppet på tekniska system. Men vad är egentligen grundtanken bakom standarden, vad är del och inte del av standarden, hur har den utvecklats och hur används den idag? Tom Strandberg ger lite av svaren utifrån ha medverkat i utvecklingen av standarden och tillämpat den i många olika miljöer.
Bio: Tom Strandberg är Principal SE Consultant och ansvarig för Syntell Academy. Tom har i 30 år missionerat och praktiserat systemtänk och Systems Engineering inom många olika domäner. Han har en ledande roll inom INCOSE Future of Systems Engineering intitiativ.
December 2023
Sarah Sheard on the Roles of Systems Engineering
In this fireside chat, we will discuss the evolution of the roles of a “Systems Engineer” from 1996 till today and what may be in the future. Along the way we intend to explore and share Dr. Sheard’s insights and lessons learned.
Link to the presentation material
November 2023
Product-line Engineering (PLE) with Hugo Guillermo Chalé Gongora, Head of Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimisation and Chief Architect Product Line Engineering at AIRBUS.
In this webinar Guilllero shares his thougts and experiences of the benefits and challenges establishing a PLE capability.
Link to the presentation material
October 2023
INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook Fifth Edition: Updating the Reference for Practitioners with Dave Walden
The webinar provides an overview of the INCOSE SE Handbook Fifth Edition released in 2023 ans is presented by the Editor-in-chief Dave Walden
Link to the presentation material
October 2022
Systems Engineering Principles by Dr Michael D Watson
Link to the presentation material
Mike presents the recently published INCOSE Publication "Systems Engineering Principles".
This is a must read for all systems engineers, so take the opportunity to get an introduction by the team leader. Download your copy of the document at
Bio: Dr. Michael D. Watson (retired from NASA (34 years) last month and now the Deputy SE&I Lead for the Dynetics Human Landing System) led the development, review, and maturation of these systems engineering principles at both NASA and as chair of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Principles Action Team.
September 2022
Reflektioner från International Symposium 2022
Du som missade årets International Symposium i Detroit - nu har du chansen att få en kondenserad rapport av några av de svenska deltagarna. Ur innehållet: generellt om symposiet, intressanta föredrag/papers, trender och allmänna reflektioner.
June 2022
Smart Cities Initiative, presented by Jennifer Russell
As cities around the world are unevenly waking up after a pandemic coma, cities are seeking opportunities to continue evolving toward being ‘smart.’ Cities may wish to take a new approach to provide services that meet the goals of the city and needs of the residents in new and innovative ways. The implementation of such approaches will define the new “smart city.”
This presentation will introduce this human-centric model, the INCOSE-TUS Smart Cities Reference Model and provide an update on our modeling developments. Those interested are invited to join the INCOSE Smart Cities Iniitiative Working Group.
Jennifer Russell, Smart Cities Initiative Chair, EISE, CSEP is the Program and Management Support Leader on Garver's Water team. Over the past 25 years, she honed her West Point leadership motto of being a "Leader of Character." From strategic planning to tactical logistics, Jennifer has invested in public service and infrastructure. The domains of her experience are a testament to the portability of her skill set and include water systems, software systems, high-speed rail, transit systems, highway systems, and multi-modal connectivity. Jennifer holds a B.S. in Engineering Psychology from the United States Military Academy and an M.S. (2003) and Engineer Degree (2007) in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Southern California.
May 2022
En tillämpning av Systems Engineering och Enterprise Architecture i svensk sjukvård och regional förvaltning av Hans Natvig, enterprisearkitekt på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala
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Webinaret kommer att handla om hur man i Region Uppsala arbetar med digitalisering. Kan systems engineering, och enterprisearkitektur tillföra något i en offentlig verksamhet som har som huvuduppgift att bedriva sjukvård?
Hans Natvig kommer att ge en inblick i hur man från Akademiska sjukhuset arbetar för att införliva SE-processer och EA (med UAF) i regionens modeller för verksamhetsutveckling.
Hans Natvig är CSEP och sedan 2017 enterprisearkitekt på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala. Han har dessförinnan arbetat som konsult, primärt i försvarssektorn, med mjukvaruutveckling och som systemingenjör. Hans har det senaste decenniet specialiserat sig på arkitekturfrågor och systemmodellering.
April 2022
Enterprise Architecture Guide for the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF), presented by James Martin
Link to the recording of the webinar.
In this webinar James presents a workflow for creating Enterprise Architecture (EA) views in accordance with the EA Guide issued as part of the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) standard published by the Object Management Group (OMG).
This architecture description method can be used in conjunction with processes for the
conceptualization and evaluation of an architecture, and also used as the basis for an EA modeling methodology, architecture development planning, MBSE capability assessment, and modeling project organization. The Guide covers architecting of the enterprise as well as architecting (at a high level) of a major entity within the enterprise.
James will provide an understanding of what the Guide will contain and how it could be used.
James N Martin is a member of the UAF Revision Task Force with OMG and was lead editor for the ISO 42020 standard on Architecture Processes. He is an Enterprise Architect and a Principal Systems Engineer at The Aerospace Corporation developing solutions for information systems and space system enterprises. He was a key author on the BKCASE project in development of Enterprise Systems Engineering articles for the SE Body of Knowledge (SEBOK). James is an INCOSE Fellow and was leader of the Standards Technical Committee. He received from INCOSE the Founders Award for his long and distinguished achievements in the field and has a PhD from Gearg Mason University.
March 2022
Vad händer i INCOSEs arbetsgrupper?
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Den 10 mars klockan 09:00 - 10:00 gav Jonas Hallqvist (Saab), Robert Nilsson (Volvo Cars) och Tom Strandberg (Syntell) en översikt av INCOSEs många arbetsgrupperna och en insikt i arbetet i några av dessa. De gav även en kort summering av det stora arbetsmötet, INCOSE International Workshop 2022, som hölls 29/1-2/2.
Visste du att alla INCOSE produkter såsom INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, Guide to Writing Good Requirements, och SE Vision 2035 är resultat av ideellt arbete av INCOSEs medlemmar? Likaså är INCOSE drivande i utvecklingen av standarder såsom ISO 15288 och modelleringsspråket SysML. Över 50 olika arbetsgrupper träffas för arbeta fram nya rön och dokumentera dessa för att kunna spridas till andra. Du som har intresse i någon aspekt av SE kan säkert finna en arbetsgrupp som jobbar just med det temat.
Genom att engagera sig i en arbetsgrupp tar du del av en enorm samlad erfarenhet. Du kan ta en passiv roll eller en aktiv roll. Typiskt gäller "ju mer du bidrager, desto mer får du tillbaka".
Systems Engineering Vision 2035, presented by Heinz Stoewer
Link to the recording of the presentation (slides and audio)
Tuesday March 8, 15:00-16:30 CET, live at KTH Stockholm and Zoom (see below).
In conjunction with Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Swedish Chapter - we have the pleasure to offer a live presentation of the new INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2035 by Dr Heinz Stoewer, who acted CTO in the editorial team.
The SE Vision is intended to inspire and guide the strategic direction of systems engineering across its broad stakeholder community. The Vision highlights some of the major influencing factors that impact systems engineering, how systems engineering is expected to respond to these changes, and a starting point for collaborative efforts to realize this vision.
SE Vision 2035 is a substantial update of Vision 2025 published in 2014 and addresses the current trends, opportunities and challenges. On the SE Vision 2035 web page you find more info and link to the downloadable pdf version and the web version.
February 2022
"Overview Next Generation Modeling Language SysML v2" with Tim Weilkiens
The talk will provide a general overview of the SysML v2. We start with some background and history of SysML v2, continue with the architecture of SysML v2 and how it differs from SysML v1, followed by the features. There is no use or fun in presenting all the elements of SysML v2, but I briefly present the features that are new compared to v1. To give you the opportunity to try SysML v2 in practice and not just study it theoretically, I present how to use the pilot implementation. Finally, we will have a look at the game-changer feature of the SysML v2 API.
Tim Weilkins is an active member of the OMG and INCOSE. He is a co-author of the SysML specification and active in the ongoing work on SysML v1 and SysML v2. Tim is involved in many MBSE activities, including podcast, authoring books, developing methods and presenting at several conferences about MBSE and related topics.
Oktober 2021
On October 14th, 2021, 9-10 CET, INCOSE Sverige will host: Carl von Gerber presenting on
Supporting the capability develoment from an academic perspective
The webinar will a focus on how the Swedish Defence University contributes to military and civilian capability development through the courses given within the subject of Systems Science for Defence and Security.
January 2021
On January 14th, 2021, 9-10 CET INCOSE Sverige will host Kevin Fairs and Simon Smith presenting on:
Systems Engineering with influences from Enterprise Architecture, Digital Twins and Business Value Orientation
The presentations focus on describing how Systems Engineering of complex systems can benefit from influences from approaches such as Enterprise Architecture, Digital Twins and Business Value Orientation.
The presentations are based on both theory and extensive practical experiences. Examples of initiatives that have been completed and are the basis for the message delivered in the presentations include:
- The evolution of a Government-sector System Engineering practice towards business and mission value
- The Common Support Operating Model for the UK’s Royal Navy (COMPASS)
The presenters will give a short presentation and share their learning experiences from the above and other work.
1. The need for Systems Engineering to focus on Business Value – Kev Fairs
2. The concept of a Digital Operating Model with examples – Simon Smith
Kevin Fairs is Lead Architect at CACI Information Intelligence Group. He has worked in various roles across system engineering for over 20 years, both in commercial and government domains. In the last 10 years, Kevin has focused on architecture in the face of complex systems.
Simon Smith is Chief Architect in CACI Information Intelligence Group, where he works in defence and national security with blue chip customers on the benefits and challenges of the digitisation of business operating models. He is a member of INCOSE and the UK’s Safety Critical Systems Club, and sits on the techUK working group on Digital Twins.
December 2020
INCOSE Sveriges December 17th (9-10 am CET) webinar will host Gerrit Muller speaking on
Renewable Energy Systems as an example of layered Systems of Systems
Abstract: The energy transition required to achieve the Paris climate agreement impacts the entire energy system. The energy system consists of many systems and an infrastructure connecting these systems. How can (Systems of) Systems Engineering assist in this complex transition? In this presentation, we will use a number of concrete examples to explore the systems engineering role and methods for this complex and dynamic application.
Gerrit Muller, originally from the Netherlands, received his master’s degree in physics from the University of Amsterdam in 1979. He worked from 1980 until 1997 at Philips Medical Systems as a system architect, followed by two years at ASML as manager systems engineering, returning to Philips (Research) in 1999. Since 2003, he has worked as a senior research fellow at the Embedded Systems Institute in Eindhoven, focusing on developing system architecture methods and the education of new system architects, receiving his doctorate in 2004. In January 2008, he became a full professor of systems engineering at University of South-Eastern Norway in Kongsberg (USN), Norway. He continues to work as a senior research fellow at the Embedded Systems Innovations by TNO in Eindhoven in a part-time position. Since 2020, he is INCOSE fellow and Excellent Educator at USN.
Oktober 2020
On October 15th, 9-10 (CET) Jonas Hallqvist, ESEP and member of the INCOSE Competency Working Group presents:
Seminar on Systems Engineering Competency
Many organisations say that their main asset is the competence of the employees. But how can you know what competence you need? How do you know if you have the right competence? To answer that question, some form of competence definition is needed.
Structuring the systems engineering competence is necessary to be able to have a common understanding, identifying the current status and future needs and developing a roadmap to meet those needs. The simple statement “we need more systems engineers” is not enough for this purpose.
This presentation will contain a description on how systems engineering competence can be structured and assessed. The INCOSE Competency Working Group, current work regarding INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework and its relationship to Professional Development Portal and the SE certification will be presented.
The INCOSE Systems Engineering Competence Framework was awarded Product of the Year 2018.
September 2020
Den 17/9 klockan 9-10 presenterar Professor Dag Bergsjö, Systems Engineering Design, Chalmers University
Seminar on Systems Engineering and Machine Learning
This seminar will present the basics of machine learning, what it is, what to expect and how machine learning can be applied to systems engineering problems and processes. The evolution of machine learning from statistics and probability analysis towards learning algorithms will be briefly touched upon as well as traditional use of machine learning to predict and prevent product and consumer behavior (i.e. self-driving cars and fraud detection).
Since 2016 the Systems Engineering Design Research Group has been involved in several projects trying to identify the potential benefits of Machine Learning and Big Data Analysis. A few of these projects will be presented as well as the current ongoing research. Especially with the focus of knowledge management and data trustworthiness in the context of Systems Engineering.